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  1977 26 ft wide beam cabin cruiser

Only one owner from new. This boat has its original gel coat. It is powered by a 60hp fuel injected Mariner outboard with trim and tilt. It comes with a galvanised road trailer.

There is a cooker, 3 way fridge, gas water heater and shower. It has a bathing platform with lockers for gas and petrol and a boarding ladder

A TV aerial and navigation lights are fitted

It has removable hard top which was made by taking a mold of the front cabin stretching it and making a hard top to match the boat. The hatch in the cockpit floor was replaced by 2 portholes at the stern and the rear seat was made of removable cushions on slats the could be removed so that on a good night with the hood down you lie in bed and watch the stars The keel was extended to the rear transom so that she would hold her line better. This means you can leave the helm go into the cabin and come out again without deviating from your course. The main cabin is open plan with padded removable panels which can be removed to use the forward berth. Photographs can be seen on Apollo Duck or the Gumtree.for sale sights
If interested please ringme at the above number

contact: 07742549878
last edited on:  13/06/2024 at 08:51   by: Ken Bell    


If you have a product or service that you would like our members to know about please contact Howard Stokes on 07850 504669 or email Trade enquires are welcome.

contact: 07850 504669
last edited on:  24/09/2020 at 23:54   by: Howard Stokes